Friday, January 23, 2009

Daniel Speaking Out

This is Daniel speaking out in the blog world for the first time, I am SO SO SO sorry that the image is not facing the correct way- we are still working out some kinks in his blog and are trying out a few new things. The words he speaks though are what will resonate with your heart! I am excited that Daniel is willing to allow people along his journey- I am blessed for knowing Daniel, God is constantly speaking to me through Daniels life! Hopefully we will be able to keep his blog up and running a little better then we have been!

Please leave comments, Daniel loves hearing from you!


Jenny said...

Hi Daniel. My name is Jenny and I am a friend of Beth and Kevin. I've met you at church once before but you may not remember. You are such a wise young man! God will heal you and I can't wait to see it happen!

MeMa and PaPa said...

Hello Daniel, from Greenville, SC.
It's so good to see you in video and to hear your voice and your testimony of God's working in your life. You are a real roll model for young and old alike. I'm praying for you as you wait on the Lord and His perfect will for you.
John and Jane Cochran

Michelle Hill said...

Hi Daniel! Welcome to the blogging world! So proud of your testimony and it's time more people are introduced to you! Hope to see you again soon!
Michelle Hill

Libby said...

Hey Daniel...I also go to church with Beth and Kevin. I dont know that we have ever talked before though. I tend to stay in the back because I work with the kids, so I don't always make it out ot sanctuary to talk. But that's beside the point....
I want to say how amazing your story is. Just in the few times I have seen you to now, I can say that you look stronger. I know that sounds crazy, but you do!
Anyways...keep up the blogging and keep your testimony out there for other to see for His Glory!

In His Grace,

Daniel said...

Thanks for agreeing with me and standing with me in faith and praying for me!

John and Jane-
Thank you for the comment, the roll model you see is only Christ with in me, but thank you! I appreciate you writing to me, please continue!

Hi Michelle- I have missed you guys, MISSED coming to your church I really appreciate you and Pastor Nate praying for me and for allowing me to speak at breakthrough. I am excited to see where God takes your church, thanks for standing with me in agreement for my total restoration!

Thank you for your encouraging comment, I really appreciate it! Saying that I look stronger really encourages me. I hope to see you sometime and keep writing to me!!!


Anonymous said...

My mom sent me your link. Great to catch up on what you are doing. Keep it up!


bonnieb said...

Daniel Iam so pround of you preaching your first sermon Sunday. I know it will be the first of many that wil heal and bless others
Auntie Bonnie