Friday, May 23, 2008

New improvements

Sorry it has been a while since the last time you have heard from me, but I have been really busy, and have not had much time. Since the last time we talked God has manifested another part of my healing into my body. Two weeks ago I was watching the revival on TV, and there was a Word of Knowledge that I received, there was somebody with MD and are being healed, and I claimed it. And God began to loosen my hamstrings that have been tight for many years. And the muscle mass is increasing in my legs, and I am begging to feel new strength around my knees. And strength is beginning to build up around my back.

There have been somethings the Lord has taught me as well. First of all one of these things is that Muscular Dystrophy is a spirit of infirmity. What is a spirit of infirmity you might ask? it is a demon that brings weakness and tries to kill you. I my self have seen it with my own eyes in a vision that Lord gave to me. As we were praying one day out on my screen in porch (which is my favorite part of the house by the way) my spiritual eyes were opened and a began to see a black iron ball like a weight with sharp spikes sticking out of it...looked like a submarine mine- shown here:
Only with a lot more spikes and it had five long medal chains with shackles on each end. And my wrist, ankles, and spinal cord had one of these black iron shackles attached to it. I then saw the sword of the Spirit which is Jesus Christ cut through the chains and then he burnt off the shackles and they began to melt of my wrist, back and feet. God was showing me that MD was being cut off from my life, and has withered away into nothing. I am never going back to the way I use to be.

Are there any spirits of infirmity in your life? If so then you need to be healed and I would like to start praying for you. Please make sure to comment on my blog, leave me your name and prayer request. All sickness is a curse and we have been delivered from it because Jesus Christ became the curse for us. (Galatians's 3:13)